Friday, March 2, 2012

Reading: Disrupting Class (plus guiding questions)

'Adapting the monolithic' photo (c) 2010, Eric E Castro - license: the the TPAs have come to a close, I want to give you the last reading assignment for my class.  I want you to read the first five chapters of Disrupting Class.  Below, I have given some guiding questions to help you process the reading. My experience in teaching with this particular book is that it is often hard to connect to if you are not already familiar with the topic or work in education.  I would like you to answer the guiding questions in a blog post (could be a video post or a use of a graphic organizer, etc.).  I hope to discuss this in class either this week or next, depending on our group schedule.  I will firm up the day we will be discussing this and send it out ASAP.

We will discuss the reading in depth on March 14.  I would like you to complete your post by March 12 and thoughtfully comment on at least 5 peer blogs (perhaps someone who don't talk to much in person) before class on the 14th.

Chapter 1: Why Schools Struggle to Teach Differently when each Student Learns Differently

1. Explain the difference between interdependence and modularity.  How is education currently organized?  

Chapter 2: Making the Shift:  Schools meet Society’s need

2. Explain the disruptive innovation theory.  What does this have to do with schools?

Chapter 3: Crammed Classroom Computers

3.  Why doesn’t cramming computers in schools work?  Explain this in terms of the lessons from Rachmaninoff (what does it mean to compete against nonconsumption?)

Chapter 4: Disruptively Deploying Computers

4. Explain the pattern of disruption.

5. Explain the trap of monolithic instruction.  How does student-centric learning help this problem?

Chapter 5: The System for Student-Centric Learning

6. Explain public education’s commercial system.  What does it mean to say it is a value-chain business?  How does this affect student-centric learning?

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